Pat Moeller |
Pat Moeller |
The City of Hamilton has over 7,500 catch basins, one of which you could take ownership of through the Adopt-A-Catch Basin program. This program encourages residents to keep an eye on the ones closest to them to help reduce the risk of street flooding in their neighborhood.
Catch basins are a curbside drain that filter rainwater and redirect it to the Great Miami River. It's important to keep catch basins clear of debris so that the rainwater can drain to prevent street flooding.
How Adopt-A-Catch Basin works:
- Create your identity and review the volunteer resources.
- Identify and name the catch basins you would like to adopt.
- Clear debris from catch basin before rain events.
- Check-in when you clean your basin or report issues as they arise.
- Property owners will help reduce street & property flooding by frequent monitoring & cleaning catch basins.
- Weather tracking as users will receive email reminders ahead of inclement weather to check and or clean the check basin.
- The City can identify trouble spots (i.e. broken / backups) quicker.