City of Forest Park recently issued the following announcement.
First Saturday in May
8 am - 4 PM
Approximately 60+ locations each year!
Designed to focus on the first two of the 3 Rs - Reduce and Reuse - participants have the opportunity to "get rid of" unwanted materials while making a small profit, thus reusing older items while reducing the amount of materials immediately entering the landfill. Resident sale locations are registered and then promoted through newspaper ads, bulletin boards, city maps w/street locations, and through the internet.
Donations Drop-Off Trailer
1201 West Kemper Rd
1 PM - 5 PM
(for unsold and/or unwanted items)
Residents can bring unsold and unwanted items to the Forest Park Municipal Building parking lot . There will be a St. Vincent De Paul trailer/truck that will be collecting these items. The items will be taken to their thrift store and sold with the proceeds funding their community work.
Acceptable items for St.Vincent De Paul
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Forest Park